I don’t think I knew
I don’t think I noticed you
How close you were to me
Maybe it’s true that you don’t know how much you cherish
Someone until after they’re gone like you
I’m sorry I didn’t know about the tears you shed
I’m sorry for standing in front of you so late
One more time, One more time
Can you come to my side again
I will always love you
I’ll love even more for making you wait this long
I was stupid and think
I hurt you a lot with all those insincere words
Without you, I wouldn’t have known what happiness was
I know now that I am in love with you
Thank you for teaching me how valuable
And precious love is, thank you
From now and on, I’m going to love you more
One more time, One more time
Can you come to my side again
I will always love you
I’ll love even more for making you wait this long
One more time, One more time
I love you, I love you can you please take me back?
I want to return all the love you gave me,
Will you please let me?
Can you hold my hand?
By Kim Hyun Joong
Ost Playfull Kiss